Blog - Kollegiate Lawn Care


There is a crisp coolness in the air, in the mornings, as September rolls in on us.  The children are going back to school in a couple days and the summer that wasn't is nearing its end. Time to take another look at your landscape. Your lawn or trees may need some tending to before the winter months roll in.

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Fall Fertilizer

With the first week of October upon us, we should be thinking about our yard clean up and getting the lawn ready for the winter. An application of a quality fertilizer to your lawn will help the lawn with its start up in the spring.

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Summers Ending


A month ago I was awaking to bright, sunny days (unless it was raining). Those mornings were already hot and were turning into very hot and humid days. This morning I awoke to a dark and somewhat cool, refreshing morning. The very hot and humid days of summer are about gone with the official ending yesterday. Fall is starting so take the next month or so to enjoy outdoor activities. Do this before those winter coats have to be found.

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Fall Turf Care

If your lawn is looking a little haggard after this summer’s heat and drought, now is the time to start the repairs. Aeration, Topdressing and Seeding are the best ways to get your grass looking pristine again. Along with a quality fertilizer application, your lawn will look great again for the coming season.

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Road Construction


Trying to navigate the streets of Kitchener and Waterloo, I feel like K-W has gone thru an air raid from an invading country. Two years with no end in sight to the development of the LRT. Driving around the city without having to deal with the road construction is almost impossible.

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Heat and Damaged Lawns

This summers heat and drought just keeps on going. Though the nights are getting a little cooler and we have had some rain, the daytime highs are still getting into the high 20s and feeling hotter with the humidity. With the recent rain the lawns are greening up and showing the damage left behind by the extreme heat and drought that we have been through.

Starting in September, start your topdressing and seeding to get those damaged areas back to looking green and healthy. This can be done right through October.

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